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Originally Published: Aug 12, 2015

Whether it’s your favorite coworker to vent to, your Friday night plans buddy, or the friend who drops everything to cheer you up—there is something to be said for camaraderie. Friends are those who support us, encourage us, and tell us the truth about our (mis)adventures in fashion. We like to think this is best seen in the fitness arena.

Working out solo is a completely different experience than working out with others. When friends are added to the mix we open ourselves up to new areas of growth and achieve greater results. Positive side effects of working out with a group run the gamut from extra gab time to a built-in spotter. Here are a few benefits we think are too good to ignore:


Just like you’d hate to cancel your after-work happy hour, you are far less likely to blow off the gym when it is a scheduled appointment with a friend. Make exercise a social event in your planner (marked with a red pen!) and treat it like you would any other appointment. You’ll find yourself attending the gym more consistently and won’t have to face the wrath of a disappointed pal.

In a similar vein, friends keep each other in check. Have a fitness goal you’d like to achieve? Tell a friend. They are sure to keep you accountable and reaching towards your goal until you achieve it and dream of another!


Friends keep it real. Motivation abounds between friends because you know each other’s strengths and weaknesses and aren’t afraid to show a little tough love when it’s needed. Together you’ll push each other, test limits, and set new goals as you blow past your previously set markers.

Conversely, working out with a buddy encourages a little competition (friendly, of course!). This, too, will motivate you to train harder, run faster, and lift that additional weight.


“Two heads are better than one,” the old saying goes. When you work out with a friend you’ll be more likely to try new things and get creative on the fitness floor. You can try partner exercises or finally have the courage to test out a new routine or group exercise class.


Life is busy. These days we find ourselves juggling work, errands, and carpool—not to mention household chores—and often struggle to make time for ourselves and our friendships. Working out with a friend allows you to multitask and maintain steady relationships while focusing on yourself. Plus, bonds forged during BODYPUMP® are not easily forgotten! You might even look forward to treadmill time when it means catching up with a dear friend.


Friends are bound to share a few laughs while working out together, even if you’re just laughing at each other’s attempts at downward dog. Make your workout more enjoyable by including your BFF!

At the end of the day, you probably won’t regret asking a friend to be your workout partner. But don’t take our word for it! Try it for yourself and observe a difference in your routine. You might even discover a new favorite exercise. And remember—friends who sweat together, stay together.