Get Connected! | Fitness Floor Etiquette
Originally Published: Nov 16, 2015
We live by the Golden Rule, so when working out on the fitness floor, please be sure to leave your exercise space ready for the next member. For instance, when you’re done using a machine, wipe it down with a handy-wipe for the next person. Also, please return any accessories to their proper location. Towels can be disposed of by depositing them in designated towel bins.
Always exercise in the proper area. For your safety and that of your fellow members, please keep the equipment on the floor and space where you found it. If you need assistance, just ask a Fitness Specialist in a green shirt. After using any plate-loaded equipment, please unload and re-rack your weights. Same story applies with your dumbbells or kettlebells. You do not want to leave them on the floor where someone can trip and hurt themselves. Please do not slam your weights. If you are unable to control it, it is probably not a good idea to be lifting it.
As a courtesy to other members, please do not rest on the machine in between sets. Be polite and exercise proper etiquette. Plus, taking turns helps keep you moving.
Please do not use cell phones on the fitness floor.
Let’s make this a great experience for all our members at acac and remember the Golden Rule!