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Club Enhancements at acac Germantown
Originally Published: Jan 02, 2020
Our list of 2019 club enhancements:
- Replaced carpet & shower partitions in both locker rooms and repainted
- Installed a new mixing valve and other components of the hot water system to regulate water temperatures in showers
- 6 new Precor Treadmills
- 1 new Octane Rider
- Replaced the pool air heater
- Added interior security cameras
- Added Pickle ball
- Added new classes: Tai Chi, La Blast Line Dance, Intro to Spin and Intro to Yoga
- Added Digital Marketing Displays member communication
- Added Youth Programming for toddlers & expanded Senior Programming (mah jong, Healthy Horizon seminars)
Coming soon:
- Replacing the Cybex Multi Station with a new Life Fitness Multi Station & more!