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January 1 | Summer Camp 2025 Registration Opens!

Get ready for an unforgettable summer! Registration for acac Summer Camp 2025 opens January 1, offering a variety of weekly themes, specialty camps, and sports clinics to keep your child engaged and active all summer long. Visit our camp page to see what’s new this year!

January 1December 31 I Adult Intermediate Tennis Clinic 3.0-4.0 I acac Greenville | Mondays 5:30pm-7:00pm, Tuesdays 9:00am-10:30am, Fridays 9:00am-10:30 am, Saturdays 9:00-10:30 am

Members $20 | Non-members $25

Adult Intermediate Clinic is for 3.0 – 4.0 level players. Each clinic will focus on a specific stroke or technique and use a combination of drills and live balls to help you succeed in matches. Registration opens 6 days prior. Morning clinic registration closes 12 hours before the clinic. Evening clinic registration closes at noon the day of the clinic.

January 1 – December 31 I Adult Advanced Tennis Clinic 4.0+ I acac Greenville | Wednesdays 6:00pm-7:30pm

Members $20 | Non-members $25

Adult Advanced Clinic is for 4.0+ level players. Each clinic will use a combination of drills and live balls to focus on strategy and shot selection in a highly competitive atmosphere.

Registration opens 6 days prior. Evening clinic registration closes at noon the day of the clinic. 

January 1 – December 31 I Women’s Open Clinic I acac Greenville | Wednesdays 6:00 – 7:30 pm

Members $20 | Non-members $25

Women’s Open Clinic is for all female tennis players. Each clinic will be tailored specifically to the player’s needs while using a combination of drills and live balls to drive improvements.

Registration opens 6 days prior. Evening clinic registration closes at noon the day of the clinic. 

January 1 – December 31 | Red Ball Tennis Clinics for ages 4-8 | acac Greenville | Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:15-4:00pm, Saturdays from 10:30am-11:15am

Member – 1 clinic per week: $56/month | Non-member – 1 clinic per week: $68/month

The focus is on developing the ABCs (agility, balance, and coordination) and introducing tennis through engaging activities. Players will develop skills needed to get them ready to rally, using red balls on a 36 ft. court. Racquet size is 19-21 inches.

January 1 – December 31 | Orange Ball Tennis Clinics for ages 9-11 | acac Greenville | Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:00pm-5:00pm

Members – 1 clinic per week: $72/month | Non-members – 1 clinic per week: $84/month

The class will focus on developing groundstroke, volley, and serve consistency. Use of orange balls, on a 60 ft. court, and red balls, on a 36 ft. court, as needed. Racquet size 23-25 inches.

January 1 – December 31 | Green/Yellow Ball Tennis Clinics for ages 12+ – acac Greenville | Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from 5:00pm-6:00pm

Members – 1 clinic per week: $72/month | Non-members – 1 clinic per week: $84/month

This class is for players focusing on the ability to adjust the height and depth of the ball while using the proper technique they have learned. This class uses green balls on the full court while also using yellow and orange balls on the 60′ court as needed. Racquet size 26-27 inches.

January 1 – December 31 | Mother’s Morning Out – All Locations | Monday – Friday, 9:00am-12:00pm

First child: $16.50, each additional sibling: $10.00

Leave your child(ren) with us while you go to the doctors, get some shopping or cleaning done, have coffee with a friend or just enjoy some quiet time!

No registration required, members only. Pay at the front desk and bring receipt to Kids Zone.

January – May 2025 | Adventure Central After School

Kids arrive to have snack and do homework; then they flow into a choice based daily schedule where they can pick between three activities. Snack will be provided daily, cooking every other week, swimming on Fridays. Call 864-331-2530 to sign up.

January 10 | Kids Night Out: Detective Night | Adventure Central | 6:00pm-9:30pm

Bring the kids for Detective Night with games, dinner, dessert, and more! You deserve a Friday night of grown-up time!

Members $27 | Call (864) 331-2530 to reserve your spot.

January 13 – February 10 | Menopause Shred Group Training | acac Greenville

This 4-week program offers 3x per week training sessions with workout plans for two additional days on your own, a meal plan, supplementation guidance, and specific cardio training to help you survive menopause! Group training rates apply.

Contact Margo for more details and to sign up at [email protected].

January 25 | Girls Camp Sports Training | acac Simpsonville

Girls ages 11-16 can excel in whatever sport they play with this 8-week program. They will build strength, increase agility, improve acceleration, develop core stability, and reduce the occurrence of injury. Nutrition coaching is included!

Contact Michelle Wilson to sign up at (215) 499-0962.


February 1December 31 I Adult Intermediate Tennis Clinic 3.0-4.0 I acac Greenville | Mondays 5:30pm-7:00pm, Tuesdays 9:00am-10:30am, Fridays 9:00am-10:30 am, Saturdays 9:00-10:30 am

Members $20 | Non-members $25

Adult Intermediate Clinic is for 3.0 – 4.0 level players. Each clinic will focus on a specific stroke or technique and use a combination of drills and live balls to help you succeed in matches. Registration opens 6 days prior. Morning clinic registration closes 12 hours before the clinic. Evening clinic registration closes at noon the day of the clinic.

February 1 – December 31 I Adult Advanced Tennis Clinic 4.0+ I acac Greenville | Wednesdays 6:00pm-7:30pm

Members $20 | Non-members $25

Adult Advanced Clinic is for 4.0+ level players. Each clinic will use a combination of drills and live balls to focus on strategy and shot selection in a highly competitive atmosphere.

Registration opens 6 days prior. Evening clinic registration closes at noon the day of the clinic. 

February 1 – December 31 I Women’s Open Clinic I acac Greenville | Wednesdays 6:00 – 7:30 pm

Members $20 | Non-members $25

Women’s Open Clinic is for all female tennis players. Each clinic will be tailored specifically to the player’s needs while using a combination of drills and live balls to drive improvements.

Registration opens 6 days prior. Evening clinic registration closes at noon the day of the clinic. 

February 1 – December 31 | Red Ball Tennis Clinics for ages 4-8 | acac Greenville | Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:15-4:00pm, Saturdays from 10:30am-11:15am

Member – 1 clinic per week: $56/month | Non-member – 1 clinic per week: $68/month

The focus is on developing the ABCs (agility, balance, and coordination) and introducing tennis through engaging activities. Players will develop skills needed to get them ready to rally, using red balls on a 36 ft. court. Racquet size is 19-21 inches.

February 1 – December 31 | Orange Ball Tennis Clinics for ages 9-11 | acac Greenville | Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:00pm-5:00pm

Members – 1 clinic per week: $72/month | Non-members – 1 clinic per week: $84/month

The class will focus on developing groundstroke, volley, and serve consistency. Use of orange balls, on a 60 ft. court, and red balls, on a 36 ft. court, as needed. Racquet size 23-25 inches.

February 1 – December 31 | Green/Yellow Ball Tennis Clinics for ages 12+ – acac Greenville | Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from 5:00pm-6:00pm

Members – 1 clinic per week: $72/month | Non-members – 1 clinic per week: $84/month

This class is for players focusing on the ability to adjust the height and depth of the ball while using the proper technique they have learned. This class uses green balls on the full court while also using yellow and orange balls on the 60′ court as needed. Racquet size 26-27 inches.

February – May | Adventure Central After School

Kids arrive to have snack and do homework; then they flow into a choice based daily schedule where they can pick between three activities. Snack will be provided daily, cooking every other week, swimming on Fridays. Call 864-331-2530 to sign up.

February 3 – March 28 | Transform You | acac Simpsonville

In this comprehensive 8-week small group training program you will build confidence and community while finally seeing the progress you’ve been working towards. After a delightful meet & greet gathering, you will get a Transform You T-shirt you can wear to two small group training sessions and one health coaching session each week. It all culminates in a fitter you – and an award ceremony with great prizes for top performers! Group training rates apply.

Contact Tanya to sign up at [email protected].

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