Youth Tennis Programs
Classes begin 9/4/24. Register on the acac member portal/app. If you have questions, email the Tennis Director, Catherine DeSouza at [email protected].
Red Rookie (Red ball used on 36′ court)
- Students continue to sharpen their ABCs (agility, balance, and coordination) while beginning to develop more dynamic movement and footwork patterns that focus on sending and receiving the ball.
Introduction of topspin and underspin on both the forehand and backhand strokes as well as the different grips used.
Ages | 5 – 8
Days | Wednesdays (Indoors in the Arena at Adventure Central)
Time | 3:45 – 4:30pm
Pricing | $20 Members per class | $25 Non-Members per class.
Orange Aces
- Orange ball is the perfect ball for kids under 10 who are learning the sport. Your child will have a fun time learning the basics of tennis while getting some exercise outside. These clinics will be held on the clay courts. Appropriate footwear is mandatory. Racquets are optional.
Ages | 10 & Under
Days | Tuesdays (indoors in the Arena at Adventure Central)
Time | 4:30 – 5:30pm
Pricing | $25 Members | $30 Non-Members
Green Giants
- This class is for juniors 12 and under who enjoy tennis! Learn the essentials of tennis through drills and games.
Ages | 12 & Under
Days | Thursdays (in the Arena at Adventure Central)
Time | 4:30 – 5:30pm
Pricing | $25 Members | $30 Non-Members